Mobile Bee Laboratory

The mobile bee laboratory is designed to help others learn the science of instrumental insemination and the art of perfecting this valuable technique. With off-grid services, it is equipped with four instrumental insemination stations.


Out and About

Michael’s initial adventure with the laboratory was travelling to Cumbria to train beekeepers there. Mobility of the laboratory offers a number of advantages. It can be taken right into an apiary site, with bees in close proximity for collection of drones to be used in the process, etc. It also means people are able to work with their own bees for training purposes in a familiar and convenient location.

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Training Courses

Attendees are limited to four in number, in order to gain the maximum benefit of small-group interaction and individual instruction. Michael is working with Brunel Microscopes Limited to design and produce bespoke instrumental insemination equipment that has been developed for ease of use. There is a video tutorial on the instrumental insemination process available at